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Refinery Profitability & Sustainability: A Comprehensive Roadmap for Scope 1, 2, and 3 Compliance

As the world transitions toward a greener future, decarbonization has become a crucial goal for refineries. However, the question remains: how can refineries tackle the energy transition and remain profitable?

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol—developed by the World Resources Institute and Worldwide Business Council for Sustainable Development in its first edition in September 2001—offers a comprehensive standardized approach to measure and manage emissions for businesses. The Protocol divides companies' emissions into three categories: Scope 1 (emissions from internal operations), Scope 2 (emissions from utilities consumed in business), and Scope 3 (emissions from other sources, e.g., customers burning refined products).

To address Scope 1 requirements, our just-published comprehensive report, "Technology-Driven Strategies for Petroleum Refineries to Achieve Profitability and Sustainability Goals: Greenhouse Gas Protocol—Scope 1,"  focuses on the latest technology advances to assist refiners in executing both short- and long-term strategies that specifically address emissions from refinery internal operations.

To meet Scope 2 obligations, refiners can take advantage of the continuing downward cost trajectory of renewable-energy technologies due to decreases in capital costs for these technologies, growing competition, scalability, and technology improvements, as discussed in the study, Renewable Utilities for Refinery Operations. Strong alternatives to fossil fuels are wind and solar energy, which are being increasingly used by companies to meet a portion of the electricity needs of their refineries. Other renewable-energy sources include hydropower, biomass, and geothermal.

To satisfy Scope 3 criteria, two studies, (1) Low-CI and Carbon-Neutral Crudes to Make Low-Carbon Fuels ; and (2) Bio and Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Aviation Fuels, were written to tailor to the needs of refiners.

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